Leech Lake, Muskoka

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Wednesday, July 08, 2015

LL Loon Feeding

This excellent picture was taken Juy1, 2015 by Barry Shepherd

LL Bug Count 2015

A reminder of the Bug Count this weekend on Saturday July 11th, 2015.

Muck collection @ 9:15am (limited spots on boat), Bug count @ 10:00am at Hembling / McCoy's cottage 1037 Lakeshore N (right side).
Children & Youth Prizes for counters. High School students will earn Volunteer Hours. BBQ lunch served for volunteers. 

RVSP so we know # prizes for kids food. Pls specify any special dietary needs.

vmccoy@rogers.com, or text 416-500-6995.

If you don’t RVSP – we still welcome walk-in’s; will do our best to accommodate all.