Leech Lake, Muskoka

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Friday, December 18, 2020

Fraserburg Road Conditions

This is information from Larry Jacobs on Dec 18/2020:

Conditions on Fraserburg Road have become icy and treacherous.  We have been in contact with the Works Department and they are making changes to the sand / salt mix in order to improve traction when temperatures drop. 

A test is underway on country roads in the Gravenhurst area to study the impact of additives to sand mix which hopefully will result in better traction in future.  

We have also spoken to the District about the state of repair of Fraserburg Road.  A number of issues are being addressed which must be done in advance of surface improvements.  This includes new culverts, ditching and bridge repairs which have been completed over the past couple of years.  

The Works Department has promised to forward a detailed plan and I will post it once I have received it.


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