2007 Regatta
This year’s Regatta is approaching quickly & we wanted to provide information & get some input.
It will be held as always on the August long weekend. Sunday from 1-5pm, Monday as an extreme weather date. Flyer will be sent by e-mail from the LLCA over the next week or so. The agenda will be posted closer to the date.
We will follow a similar format as last year- games for kids & adults, corn, burgs & dogs, prizes for the kids, lake stewardship info. Any suggestions for improvement welcome.
The event is lots of work but so worthwhile when you see how much fun both the kids & adults have.
Volunteers usually step-up on the day to help but it would really reduce the chaos to have more people confirmed in advance to help. Please e-mail me at vmccoy@rogers.com if you are willing to fill any of the following roles on the day;
First aid designate. Someone with training & a kit (can be anyone present or volunteer below)
Purchase Food (filled)
Games judge & Hand out Ribbons
Arrival table – Check-in & pay-at-door (filled?)
Cook (filled)
Cook’s helper
Organize Garbage & Recycling (filled)
Game preparation
Prizes – Lay-out, call by age & supervise kids during selection
Set-up & clean-up crew
Someone to rake play area the day before
We are also struggling over what to do about a BBQ. In the past a large one has been rented but we don’t have a trailer hitch or the desire to return it on the long weekend. Last year, we loaned ours & the frame was bent so we won’t repeat that. Any ideas welcome.
The canoe & pie plate race is very popular but we always struggle to get canoes. If people could let us know that they are bringing one in advance – that would be great.
We had received a request to bring back the sailboat races which sounds fun. If someone steps forward to organize the event we can work it outside the existing schedule.
Once the schedule is finalized, we will post it on the blog & at the sign board the weekend of.
We hope to see you there.