Leech Lake, Muskoka

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Saturday, December 02, 2006

Power Outage Dec.2/06

No Power on Lakeshore N. (right side only)

Hey no power agian for the right side. Just past Emergency #1183 a large fir tree has come down pulling the hydro lines with it. I'm thinking around 2am this morning, reported to Hydro at 9am and presently we are on a 'let you know' list of getting it repaired. Cannot see any other damage, went up and down the entire right side.

The tree is a bit too big for me so I'm leting the hydro guys clean it up when they arrive.

At the lake we got allot of wet snow (2-3inches) followed by an inch of light snow from yesterday till this morning. Not enough to plow but enough to make sure you have winter tires on to get in.
