Moose on Fraserburg Road

Driving into the cottage at around 11 PM on Friday, Sept 9, we encountered a very healthy looking, young adult male moose just after the 90 degree right turn at Oakley Boundary Rd. He was trotting down the centre of the road.
We followed him at a safe distance (it is starting of the rut) for ~ 2 km as he kept trotting, occasionally stopping to turn and look at us. At one time to stopped to pee, before he picked up the pace a bit and then headed off on a road/trail on the right at the top of the hill before Fraserburg Rd drops down to the culverts and the Lorne Rd turnoff.
George Gorsline
Saw anothe r cow moose at the corner of Lorne and Pine Lake Road
the article is very petrifying, hopefully it can be useful and an important lesson
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