Leech Lake, Muskoka

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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Tragedy On Leech Lake

I just received some disturbing news!!!!! A year round Leech Lake resident advised that our male loon has been killed. The loon was found on the island and was in distress. Apparently the loon was shot by someone wielding a pellet gun. The people who came upon this event took the loon to the wild life centre in Bracebridge but to no avail.

When I read this news I felt nauseous! Who could commit such a dastardly act? If anyone has any information about this tragedy please let us know.

Hopefully the female and her offspring will be able to manage the balance of the season successfully and make the trip south

Alan Greenwood


At 4:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

After reading Alan Greenwood's note about the loon that was killed, I felt extremely sad and very angry at the person responsible for this senseless and cruel act. I don't understand how anyone could shoot one of those beautiful birds. Our entire lake community has lost something special and I know that I will be reminded of this loss every time I stand out on my dock and look at the water.
Rose Cordingley

At 8:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of the things that makes cottage country so unique is the "call of the loon"

This act is simply animal abuse at it's worst perpetrated by someone that derives pleasure from inflicting harm and pain onto helpless others......

At 10:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is definitely something very disturbed about the person who did this. Too bad we can't find out who did it and have this person prosecuted.

At 8:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a small lake and people talk, eventually the person will be found....god help you I find you first you weak coward !!

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